Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Catch-up + Universe Within + Team AWESOME

Summer Catch-up

It is hard to believe the summer semester is already over. It feels like just yesterday we were starting classes! I’m afraid this is a taste of how quickly the next two years are going to go! I haven’t done a good job keeping up with my blog posts throughout the summer but I do want make sure I share some of the highlights of this amazingly fun summer. So here we go: the whole summer recapped in a bunch of simultaneous blog posts! Woooohoooo!!!

First Week of LGO - Universe Within
First day of school!

I’m not going to lie, I was a little nervous about my first day back to school. It felt like kindergarten all over again- will the kids like me? I wonder if I will have the right backpack. Will they give us a test the first day?

Well, it turned out that the first week was stinking awesome. We got to meet our classmates and found out the summer team assignments. We did lots of team building and personal reflection. It was great!

The hardest part about the first week for me (and actually the whole summer) was learning to step down (which is kinda ironic considering this is Leaders for Global Ops). As you can imagine with 50 Ashleigh’s, everyone is going to want to be in charge. I’ve found, however, that sometimes the best way to lead is by stepping down if that is what allows the team to move forward and be successful. It’s OK to not always be in charge- it’s actually pretty refreshing just to go with the flow.

Team Awesome

LGO assigns 6-7 students to each “summer team”. The majority of our assignments are done in groups. The workload is so large over the summer (6+ classes in 11 weeks) that you have to rely on your team just to get it all done.  I loved my summer team! We named our group “Team Awesome” the first week and it actually ended up being really true! Everyone in my group was super smart, hard working, and fun (actually that describes pretty much everyone at LGO!). The last day of class we had to make a poster that pictorially described what we did well this summer and what we could improve on. 

One of our team’s biggest accomplishments was not meeting a single weekend or late night. I think we were able to do that because we scheduled meeting time for each of our assignments in advance, everyone came prepared to meetings, and we rotated a facilitator role that helped keep the team focused and moving. I’m really going to miss working with them everyday!

For more photo shoot pics: LGO Pictures

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